What this page is all about

This page contains information about the author, his hobbies and (to some extent) his view of life. Visitors that are interested in photography, graphical design, web design, programming, control applications or wireless sensor networks are sure to find interesting material on this site.

The four photos in the header represents the main menu items of the site. To get to know the author, please click the second image, titled 'About'. This will present viewers with peronal data, project descriptions, master assignments and other author related details.

Visit the Gallery

The photo gallery can be visited by clicking the photo menu item, showing a smiling author with his (then) newly bought Nikon D80. Note that login is required to view all images in the gallery.


The programming page includes information regarding programming languages, compilers, toolchains, scripts and kernels. All interesting topics that are daily visited by the author. Visit to learn more about the art of programming.

Visit the Blog

The blog is a joomla project that eventually will contain articles and notes about what is important in the world. That is from the authors point of view. Feel free to disagree and post comments.